After the game, discuss the importance of using our influence for good and making a positive impact on others, just like Esther did.The team that successfully completes the relay using their influence effectively wins.Set up a relay race where each team member has to complete a task that requires influence, such as convincing a teammate to perform a specific action.How did Esther’s courage and influence make a difference in the lives of her people? How can we use our own influence to stand up for justice and make a positive impact on those around us?.Through Esther’s boldness, the wicked Haman is exposed and brought to justice.Esther reveals the plot against her people and pleads for their deliverance.What steps did Esther take to prepare herself before approaching the king? How can prayer and seeking God’s guidance help us when we face challenging situations?īible Reading 4: Esther 7:1-6, 9-10 Explanation:.The king extends his golden scepter to Esther, sparing her life and offering to grant her request.Esther, after prayer and fasting, gathers the courage to approach the king, defying protocol and risking her life.How do you think Esther felt when she heard about the plot against her people? Have you ever felt a sense of responsibility or a calling to stand up for what is right? Share your experience.īible Reading 3: Esther 5:1-8 Explanation:.Mordecai, Esther’s cousin, encourages her to use her position and influence to save her people, reminding her that she may have been placed in her role for such a time as this.Esther learns of a plot to annihilate her people, the Jews, and is faced with a decision to risk her life by approaching the king uninvited.How do you think Esther felt when she was chosen to become the queen? Have you ever found yourself in unexpected circumstances? How did you respond?īible Reading 2: Esther 4:10-17 Explanation:.

Her selection was part of God’s hidden plan to position her strategically for a crucial moment in history.Esther, a young Jewish woman, finds herself in a beauty pageant-like situation, chosen to become the queen of Persia.Bible Reading 1: Esther 2:1-11 Explanation:

This story is not only relevant but also inspiring for you as teenagers, as it teaches us about stepping out in faith, using our influence for good, and trusting in God’s providence. In the midst of challenging circumstances, Esther’s boldness made a significant impact on the lives of many. We’re going to dive into the captivating story of Esther, a young woman who displayed incredible courage and influence for God. Hey, amazing teenagers! Welcome to today’s Sunday school lesson.